December Reset: End of year Reflections, Resting & Resetting

Monthly resets are a great way to focus on what’s working in your life and create changes that you wish to create. 

As we head toward the end of the year, it’s important to reflect on how the year has been for you, rest your mind and body, and reset for the new year. Even though work for me never ends (being a healthcare professional), it’s important for me to still take stock of what has gone well in my life and reflect on the changes I would like to create for the new year. 

I managed to squeeze in a short annual leave break towards the beginning of December and I have a few days off around the Christmas holidays.  

I invite you to reset with me as we head toward the end of the year. Grab a journal, a notebook, or your phone and get writing. 

End-of-year reflections 

I started off 2022 in a great space, as I had recently moved into my own apartment, and eventually got my first car, and this made me feel somewhat accomplished. Despite having difficulties within my career during the mid-year, I was able to pick up the pace and eventually end the year with a promotion within the NHS, moving up to a senior role. 

I am proud of how far I have come, simply because two years ago I was definitely between a rock and a hard place. As black women, we tend to downplay our achievements, and its important to celebrate ourselves which in turn boosts our self-confidence and self-esteem. 

Journal Prompts for End-of-Year Reflections 

  • What you are most proud of this year? 

  • What has been your biggest achievement this year? 


As a Therapist in practice, you would think I know how to rest, but at times I can struggle with the many tabs open in my brain. 

Rest is important for the mind, body, and spirit. Lately, I found myself on social media less and picking up a new hobby - fiction reading. The saying “All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” may ring true for many who find it difficult to switch off after work and simply rest. 

Annual leave isn’t just for holidays, its for lounging around and getting stuck into a thrilling fiction book. 

Journal Prompts for Rest 

  • What activities make me feel rested? 

  • What is it about resting that makes me feel guilty? 

  • How can I factor in more rest into my schedule? 


I view ‘Resetting’ as taking stock of what has worked well, and what hasn’t worked in life and taking a break to refuel myself. It’s reviewing your goals and perhaps seeing what new ones could be set. 

If you haven’t achieved those goals this year, then think about how you plan to achieve them in the new year. The best format for goal setting is the SMART goals method. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely. If you didn’t set goals for yourself this year, that’s okay. 

In this upcoming new year, my goals are to focus on 4 areas of my life: relationships, health, career, and finances, and set goals according to the changes I want to see occur in my life. 

Journal Prompts for Resetting

  • What areas of my life need the most attention? 

Will you be using these three journal prompts? Let me know in the comments and don’t forget to subscribe to the blog.