Amaze recruiters with your CV by using these solid 3 tips

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If you are hoping to land a new role or make a career change, then you definitely need to amaze recruiters with your CV by using these solid 3 tips strategically. Your CV needs to stand out in order to beat the competition and land you that interview. 

Regardless of what field you are in, you will always need to send over your CV to a recruiter in order to kick off the hiring process. You need to create a document that will amaze recruiters so that they will pick your CV and short list you over those 3,000 other people. 

Most recruiters may bin your CV if they don’t see anything tangible enough to give you an interview. So in order to amaze recruiters, you will need to ensure that your CV is around 1 or 2 pages. 


Most people tend to have a personal summary at the top with generic details on how they can best be a candidate for the job. In order for recruiters to eye up your CV, you need to ensure that your name is at the top and bold. I tend to put my address and personal summary to the right hand side column. I tend to put my present and past job roles, with the job title, location, and dates I worked there below my name.          

Head-shots are a thing of the past, so please do not think about popping a head-shot of yourself on your CV. 

In your personal summary or ‘about me’ section, remember to put a job role that is similar to the job role that you are applying for. For example, since I am a Psychotherapist I tend to put ‘Psychotherapist’ or ‘Therapist’ in my CV. When I was looking for sessional work, I made a second CV that highlighted my Health Care Assistant Skills. 

It may be helpful to reference keywords that are relevant to the job role. Which brings me to my next point…

Relevant Information 

Only put relevant information. For example, if you are applying for a tech related role, only put tech related job roles that you have done. It will be no use to put down that waitressing job that you did a couple of years ago. 

On the other hand, if you're a new Grad and you are just starting out in the workforce, then it may be helpful to put down your full job history. But again, remember to tailoring so it matches up with the job role that you are applying for. Try to think about the skills that the job role is requiring, and how your past jobs have supported you to develop these skills.

If you want, you even add in a skills section, depending on the type of job role or industry you are hoping to go into. Don’t forget to add your certifications on your CV, this can include formal degrees or online learning, or even workshops you’ve attended. It’s important to show that you’re continuously working on your skills. 

Check your font style and spacing 

If you’re using CV fonts that are hard to read, you might potentially get your CV binned before a recruiter has been able to read it.  The best font to use is Arial size 11. Remember to leave a 1.5 spacing gap between your lines, as this makes it easy for the recruiter to read.