A Simple Self Care Routine


A self care routine without the tassels.

Self care is this generations’ classic buzz word, but an important one at that.

In our faced paced world, with a dash of excessive technology, self care can easily become non-existent. Looking after ourselves should be our number one priority. Yet, it can find itself on the back burner, thus leading us to burn out. Self care doesn’t have to be expensive and it can be simple.

Here’s a few self care strategies to explore


Most adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep, but it varies for everyone and that’s okay. However rested sleep is the key here. Whilst I get about 6 to 7 hours of sleep, I often wake up not feeling rested. Increased screen time right before bed can affect the quality of your sleep. If you have a iPhone then you can set a timer on your phone so that you’re not scrolling through the night.


Keeping hydrated supports your energy levels and brain function. We all know that a lack of fluids can cause headaches. So remember to keep hydrated!

Food + Nutrients

Have you ever tried to read or do a task on an empty stomach? Its pretty difficult.

Don’t forget to eat.


This is one of my personal favourites, particularly since I struggle to freely express myself. Bottling your feelings can cause a variety of health problems and lead to mental health difficulties such as depression. Set a timer and allow yourself to freely jot down your feelings and thoughts.

Sing, Dance or Draw

Expressive arts are simply another way of self-expression. Singing can improve mental alertness and concentration, dancing (my personal favourite) can improve your mood, lower stress and aid anxiety, and lastly, drawing can give you insight into your inner emotions and feelings without the need to stress for words.

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