November Reset: 3 Actionable tips to manage feelings of stress

Monthly resets are a way of rejuvenating oneself and reflecting on goals. 

We all experience stress during our day to day lives, and sometimes it can become overwhelming. Stress if not managed can lead to mental health difficulties. When our feel stressed, the body goes into a fight/flight/freeze response and our bodies are flooded with cortisol and adrenaline. 

A little bit of acute stress can give us the necessary boost to complete a project at work or that assignment we’ve been procrastinating on. Chronic stress can be caused by a number of factors such as financial hardships, working in a toxic environment or family difficulties and breakdowns. 

Managing stress looks different for everyone and the best way to manage your stress is to catch your warning signs before it becomes chronic, if possible. 

Write down your current stressors 

If you think about the different areas of your life, some areas may be calmer than others. Take stock on what your current stressors are and create an actionable plan to combat these stressors. For example, if you are currently facing financial hardship you may require advice from the national debt support line for example. If you are finding it difficult to manage your workload, you may create a support plan with your manager to tackle these issues. 

Move your body 

“The body keeps score” - Bessel van der Kolk 

As a Psychotherapist who specializes working with mind and body, the power of movement can be healing. When we feel stressed, our bodies react and as a result chronic stress can lead us to hold a lot of tension in our bodies. 

Moving your body can be as simple as going for a brisk walk or even jumping rope, yoga or gentle stretching. 

Engage in a creative activity 

When we are creatively immersed in activity like painting, dancing or writing even, it supports the brain to focus and can aid relaxation. By engaging in a creative activity you access the state of flow which is an “optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best”. 

I quite like to manage feelings of stress by engaging in mindfulness, writing or progressive muscle relaxation. 

How do you manage feelings of stress?