3 Time Management Strategies

How many of you find yourself trying to squeeze or buy more time?

Procrastination and perfectionism, and the fear of failure can affect the way we manage our time. Every single person has an internal clock work, some people like to get things done quick, and others the opposite. 

If you struggle with your time management, and feel that you’re always running around in a frenzy, then try out these 3 strategies. 

Track where your time goes 

What do you do with your time? Honestly? Take a moment to think “what do I do with my time”. Perhaps you spend too much time on YouTube or social media and not enough time on your personal projects, think about setting some time aside.

Know when you work best

Are you a ‘morning’ or ‘evening’ person? I know that I work best in the evening, so I tend to set aside time in the evenings to work on any personal projects I may have.

Keep an organised space 

Keeping an organised space can reduce your stress level. Not only can it reduce your stress level, it can also boost your energy levels.


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