3 Creative Ways to Set Goals


Grab some fairy dust and dream up your goals.

Goal setting can be difficult for some and easy for others. Whilst SMART goal plans are a great alternative way to set goals, taking a creative approach to goal setting can be helpful.

Work towards your goal by visualising what you want and of course you will have to put some action into achieving your goals - “Sorry, There’s no free lunch in London”. Many people have heard of the ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘You attract what you think about’. Belief in yourself and your goal is crucial, without it, self-doubt starts to poke its head through the door.


Visualisation is simple yet complex.

Before you begin to visualise, you need have an idea of want you truly desire. Writing down what you want just gives you a little structure and a way to avoid any distractions that may pop up. It doesn’t have to be long paragraph, just a few bullet points.

Alongside your bullet points, think about the emotions you would like to feel if you had already achieved them.

Another way to visualise is to create a classic Vision Board’.

Vision boards are my favourite way to visualise and its a great reminder in terms of remembering what your goals are. Be mindful of what you put on your vision, because 9/10 it comes to pass.

Vision boards are fairly easy to make - digitally (Pintrest) or on paper.


Visualising is the fun part and putting in the work is a part of the process.

You may be thinking what’s the point of visualisation if you have to put in the work, however sometimes the universe requires you to put in some action so that your visions can align. Take the job hunting process for example, you will actually have to fill in that application form and send it off.


Like I said at the beginning of this post, belief is crucial to manifesting your goals. Speak your goals into existence with no doubt and full belief.

Trust the universe and watch it unfold.