How to set Career Goals - SMARTly

Photo by Jess Bailey via Unsplash

Photo by Jess Bailey via Unsplash

When you think of career goals, does your mind automatically go towards 5-year plans?

Setting career goals are a way of elevating your career and pushing you to operate outside your comfort zone. Many of us at times feel somewhat lost when it comes to our career, we dibble and dabble in different roles, unsure of what we truly want. Whilst it’s important to gain experience as you move up the ladder, it’s also important to set goals that align with your current values. It’s also important to set goals in a timely and strategic manner.

As a Psychotherapist, I am only at the beginning of my career. I’ve recognised the pathways way I want to take and I’ve reflected upon the strategies I need to reach there. Now I struggle with being patient, so I’ve had to ensure that my goals are measurable and so that I stay on track.”

Setting career goals provide you with a self of direction. It gives you something to aim for, otherwise, you’ll find yourself wandering aimlessly and stressing. Goal setting also provides you with clarity, you begin to focus on what is really important to you and take your time to reflect on your dreams. It can also help with motivation levels, as you’ll have something to look forward to and gives you a sense of personal satisfaction.

Having a strategy when setting career goals is important. SMART goals in particular.

Let’s break down SMART GOALS.

S - Specific: Make your goals specific and to the point.

M - Measurable: How will you make sure that you’re making progress towards your goal?

A - Achievable: Is it an achievable goal? Make sure you set goals within a reasonable time frame so you can keep up motivation.

R - Relevant: Do your goals align with your value and long-term goals. If it doesn’t, then it may be best to rethink it.

T - Time-based: Reflect upon your time-frame, what is the end date?