How I've been managing my Mental Health during Lockdown 3

Picture via Unsplash by Mathilde Langevin

Picture via Unsplash by Mathilde Langevin

As a mental health professional, I have found functioning during this pandemic and 3rd lockdown to be hard. Occasionally, I do try to uplift myself, but there are days where I find myself struggling and feeling overwhelmed. The uncertainty and the grief can be difficult to process and contain. Sometimes I tell my own therapist I want to escape and sit on a beach somewhere and stare at the sea, but of course, it’s a pandemic so that isn’t possible right now.

There’s often a misconception that Therapists have it all together, and the truth is that sometimes we don’t and we are human just like our clients. Hence why therapists have their own therapists. The impact of the virus itself impacted my family and we all recovered, but it was still a traumatic experience.

I’m often perceived or can ‘act’ like a ‘happy go lucky’ person and I’m very smiley. However, we all have social masks that help us to function in society and the ‘happy’ mask is often mine. Sometimes underneath that ‘happy smile’ I’m overwhelmed or perhaps just irritable. The downfall of this ‘happy’ mask is that it at times it prevents me from deepening my personal and romantic connections.

One of my therapy goals this year was strengthening my communication skills and unlearning a lot of things that do not serve me. Due to the pandemic, I’m not able to see my therapist face to face, so I’ve been doing my sessions over the phone, and whilst it is not the same for me, I found the support beneficial.

During this pandemic, I’ve been trying to keep myself occupied and not have a completely idle mind. Investing in my hobbies such as crochet and 3D rendering (Interior Designing + Planning) has kept me going. I also returned to working out; I prefer lifting heavy weights at the gym, but since they're closed I’ve taken to home workouts. Read: My 3 best routines on the Nike Training App

After stressful cries in the bathroom or my bedroom, I’ve found taking walks to be therapeutic. Staying indoors can become exhausting, so getting outside and embracing the fresh air makes me feel calm.

Want ways to manage your mental health this year? Read: 10 ways to manage your mental health this year.

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